ENABLING THE GIFT OF COMMUNICATION. Our ability to speak and communicate our ideas and thoughts is a gift we mostly take for granted. Through disability, illness or trauma, children and adults alike can often undergo lifelong difficulties with speech and communication. Dedicated Speech & Language Therapists can transform an individual’s life by enabling their speech capability. The road can sometimes be long and it may be difficult to be accepted onto courses. Despite this there is a great need for Speech & Language Therapists across the country. Experience in this field is vital - GU can offer experience in a range of sectors that will give you the hours you need to start your career as a Speech & Language Therapist.
COMPASS POINTS. A degree in Speech & Language Therapy would give you an immediate advantage in this field. This career is also open to graduates in Psychology, English Language, Linguistics, Modern Foreign Language, and any other graduates with a strong grasp of language rhythms and speech patterns. Experience in this field can be gained in voluntary forms such as healthcare settings where it is possible to observe speech and language therapists. In such settings it is advised to work with patients who may have had or be suffering from aphasia, mutism, autism and other emotional or physical difficulties which prohibit the power of speech.
It is essential that you gain experience in this field and work towards accruing an extended set of recognised hours with language building programs. This can be achieved in an academic setting, which would enable you to work with a variety of pupils of all ages. All experiences will contribute to the portfolio you need to demonstrate for successful entry onto an MSc in Speech & Language Therapy and further professional qualifications. Graduate Universe offers this experience at each stage of your journey to ensure your continued development.
Advancing and bettering core elements of society has always mattered.
There is now a real opportunity to sculpt a new path for your career journey.
Graduate Universe can help you fashion that journey and in doing so create opportunities and relief for the most vulnerable in society.